Monday, January 14, 2013

Importance of goal setting

Why set a goal? Sometime in life we get comfortable, hit a plateau, or just simply wander around. Goals keeps us reminded of why we are committed to doing something. They keep us focused and pointed in the right direction.They give us something to strive for, conquer, and look back at to see what we have achieved. Make sure that you are setting short term and long term goals and that they are realistic. Also, make sure that as you reach certain goals you adjust and add more long term goals on. Make sure that you balance out having all major goals with minor ones do you do have bursts of accomplishments along the way.

For me, even though I want to lose weight, I don't have a number that I want to get to. I prefer to use sizes or inch measurements since I want to tone as well. I have stopped buying unhealthy foods, drink only water and home brewed teas, take vitamins and minerals daily and workout 4-5 days a week. I have changed my deodorant and watch the things I put in and on my body. I continue to research health and wellness and apply things that I feel would benefit me to my life. It is a life long process that I have come to enjoy. Once you know better, you can do better. It is my responsibility to take care of myself. I can not blame anyone else for my health and neither can you. Just take one step at a time and remember to set goals and conquer them.


  1. YES! Very well said. I feel you on the weight loss goal. Initially I had a number in mind, but as I started losing the weight, my focus changed, my goal changed. Keep researching and sharing, I know I benefit from the information you find, and I doubt that I am the only one!

  2. thanks i surely will continue to share
