Thursday, January 24, 2013


To whom much is given, much is required. I realized I have alot of valuable information that many people have no clue about. I acquired it just from my walk in life and the many things that I have gone through. With that, I must share this information even if someone else has already shared it. You never know whose life you will touch or help spark by just sharing what you learn. It is really your responsibility to do so. If your hand is closed off from giving, it is also closed off from receiving. You must open up and be willing to share even if you are imperfect doesnt mean that the information isnt valuable on some level.

As a massage therapist, it is my responsibility to provide more than just relaxation. Most people that first come to me think, oh im just gonna get a relaxing massage. Well... some of it will be relaxing but some of it will be treatment work and may not be so pleasant. Then, I also will ask questions about daily routine and based on where the tension is in your body, I will inform what emotions you may be holding on to that are making your body have tension.You will have homework to do in the form of things that I suggest that you should change to resolve some of your issues. It is my responsibility to provide the best information that will help you achieve optimum wellness. Most patients hang onto every word I say, just like most do for doctors, so I have to make sure that I am giving things that I understand will help. I also have to be able to say I dont know sometimes instead of making things up. If I don't know it, then I'll research it but I do my best not to mislead people. It is also my responsibility to educate people on the fact that their health is their responsibility. I can not fix you, only you can do that by breaking bad habits and forming better ones. You must be consistent and make it a priority. Otherwise you will be right back where you started.

The most important thing you can do is do your own research. Yes, people can provide you with information all day, but you get some much more insight when you research it and learn for yourself. I question EVERYTHING that I get from people regardless of who I get it from. Doctors, Teachers, TV, Radio, Books, ETC.  I'm not saying that I dont trust people, but I am ultimately responsible for me. Therefore, I must make sure that I understand what I allow myself to eat and do. I'm not afraid to dig deeper and look closer to make sure that it is right for me. I took responsibility for my life....have you?

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